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Экономичный способ борьбы с водорослями с помощью скраббера (EN)

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Lowest cost and easiest way to eliminate green hair, bubble, turf and slime algae from your aquarium (hopefully permanently).

This new test version of the algae scrubber is much easier to build than the waterfall version (the Mega Powerful one), and is perfect for nano's. This new scrubber has never been posted before May 2012. It works in both freshwater and saltwater.

If you are like most aquatic hobbyists, nuisance algae is an ongoing problem. You try to feed your livestock, and the next thing you know, you get algae. You've already tried many fixes; some work but are expensive; some kind of work but you're not sure; and some just don't work at all.

Think about what is happening: Your aquarium is accumulating nutrients (nitrate and phosphate) because of the food you feed. Algae eat nitrate and phosphate to grow, so the algae are having a great time growing in your water because they are eating all your nutrients! What to do?

Well think about this: In order to grow, algae must be provided with nitrate and phosphate. So why can't you just use the algae to consume all the nitrate and phosphate? The answer: You can! How? With a simple device you build called an Upflow Algae Scrubber. It's simple, cheap, and you can make a small one in just a few minutes with parts you probably already have. I'll be posting more complex versions later, but here are some pics of the most basic design that you can use for testing:

(will be updated periodically)
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An "algae scrubber" is a simple filter that actually grows algae in the filter, so that the algae do not grow in other parts of your aquarium. Simply put, the conditions for algae growth inside the filter are better than the conditions in the rest of your aquarium; thus the algae grow in the filter instead of your aquarium, and then you just remove the algae from the filter and throw the algae away. But in order for the algae to grow in the filter, the algae need to consume nitrate and phosphate; so guess where the nitrate and phosphate come from? Your water!

If you stop and think about it, algae always grow in certain spots, and not in others. This is because some of the three growing conditions (light, flow, nutrients) are better in some parts of your water than they are in others. An "upflow algae scrubber" simply optimizes these conditions, and does so at a place where the algae can be easily removed and thrown away. And once the nitrate and phosphate have been removed from your water, all other nuisance algae such as green hair, bubble, turf and slime, will have a hard time staying alive.

So where have these filters been all this time, and why haven't you heard of them if they work so well? Well the original waterfall version (the Mega Powerful thread posted in August 2008) was hard to build, and was not really for sale anywhere; so unless you liked to build things from scratch, you had no choice but to buy some other kind of filter. All the filter really needed to do was to create good growing conditions (light, flow, nutrients) for the algae, by flowing the water across a piece of rough material, so that the algae would grow on the material instead of somewhere else in the aquarium. The waterfall algae scrubber did grow lots of algae in the filter, and it removed lots of algae from aquariums: Over 1,000 people built their own waterfall algae scrubbers, and reported their results on various forums during a 4 year period; almost all of them wiped out their nuisance algae within 8 weeks, and many did so in 4 weeks. And on other forums that I never posted on, an estimated 10,000 people built their own waterfall algae scrubbers with similar results.

A little over a year ago in April 2011, another idea came along: Instead of letting the water flow down a screen like a waterfall, how about you let the water flow up the screen using air bubbles? Why? Because as good as waterfall algae scrubbers are, they still need a place for the water to drain "down" to. This means that you need to have a sump below the aquarium, or you need to have the scrubber up above the aquarium. This is not easy, and is very difficult for a nano aquarium which usually has no sump below it, and no room above it. Also, the waterfall version requires it to be out of the water (in the air), which takes up extra space. The new "upflow" version, however, can be placed inside the aquarium, so that it takes up no extra space at all, and it needs no external plumbing or water pumps at all. Only air bubbles.

The Upflow Algae Scrubber (UAS) provides the best growing conditions for algae in your tank: Air bubbles provide rapid turbulent flow; Strong lighting provides the light; and the nutrients that are already in your water provide the nitrate and phosphate. All that's needed is a place for the algae to attach to, and that is provided by the roughed-up plastic screen. Thus the algae start growing on the screen because the flow and lighting are stronger there than they are in the rest of your aquarium; nitrate and phosphate are consumed in the process. This causes algae to start disappearing from your aquarium and start re-appearing on the scrubber screen, so that you can throw the algae away every week or two.

The most basic way to set up an Upflow Algae Scrubber, especially in small aquariums, is just to put some air bubbles beneath a vertical screen. If inside an aquarium, you just put a light on the outside of the glass, so that it shines inside to the screen. And if you want better performance (which means better filtering), just add a reflector to give the screen some light on both sides. The screen is best made with 7-mesh cross stitch plastic canvas that you get at sewing or craft stores, or online. Also, don't forget to rough up the screen with a sharp object like a hole saw; the screen should be so rough that the screen holes are almost filled in with all the little pieces of plastic that you roughed up.

One thing to remember is that an Upflow Algae Scrubber (or any algae scrubber) will not cause more algae to grow in your aquarium. Instead, the algae will disappear from your aquarium, and will start to grow on the scrubber screen instead. You then just remove the screen and scrape the algae off. And here's a surprise: Watch out for your fish or snails eating your filter! There's nothing tastier than live green algae, so your fish or snails may keep your screen from getting very thick. The simple solution is to just put some mesh or netting around it.

There are a couple of requirements that have been learned since August 2008 which will get you started quicker. The size of the Upflow Algae Scrubber that is needed is based on how much you feed, and not how much water you have, because the nutrients that cause algae to grow come from the food you feed. The following updated picture has size guidelines:

(will be updated periodically; if picture cuts off, open in new window)
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And the following updated picture has examples:

(will be updated periodically; if picture cuts off, open in new window)
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So build a UAS and post your pictures!

Изменено 21.5.12 автор Button

2012-05-1920/05/2012 00:55:53
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324 19
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Забавно, интересно что делает тут статья про морской скраббер? =)

Изменено 19.5.12 автор yury88

2012-05-2020/05/2012 01:06:06
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5545 411
Russian Federation Vladimir
2 года


ну, примерно ясно Смайлик :)
Но почему реклама в этом-то разделе?
2012-05-2020/05/2012 01:10:54
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сообщение serg-radomir


ну, примерно ясно Смайлик :)
Но почему реклама в этом-то разделе?

Oh...может быть, я должен был размещен в секции фильтра?

сообщение yury88
Забавно, интересно что делает тут статья про морской скраббер? =)

Изменено 19.5.12 автор yury88

Это работает как для морской и пресной воды.
2012-05-2020/05/2012 01:19:26
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При чем тут реклама. Это статья о DIY скраббере.


Интересно каким образом это будет работать в пресном аквариуме?
Абсолютно неэффективно. Морские водоросли в отличии от пресных растут дикими темпами, оттуда и эффективность таких систем...

Кстати правилом хорошего тона считается указывать первоисточник на статью, это же не вы придумали)
И зачем было одновременно ту же тему заводить на аквалого? Смайлик :clever:

Изменено 19.5.12 автор yury88
2012-05-2020/05/2012 01:24:21
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Интересно каким образом это будет работать в пресном аквариуме?
Абсолютно неэффективно. Морские водоросли в отличии от пресных растут дикими темпами, оттуда и эффективность таких систем...

Кстати правилом хорошего тона считается указывать первоисточник на статью, это же не вы придумали)

Изменено 19.5.12 автор yury88 [/q]

просто уменьшить часов до 9-12 часов в пресной воде.

Я источник.
2012-05-2020/05/2012 01:37:40
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Ну раз автор, то хотелось бы увидеть фото обросшего экрана в пресной воде.
Долго мочалка нарастает?

ИМХО следует для таких целей использовать доминирующие виды, которыми водоросли в пресном аквариуме не являются.
Раз уж всё равно по концепции делается отдельная подсветка, то фитофильтр с высшими растениями, стоящий к примеру в тумбе(самп) будет в разы эффективней.

Изменено 19.5.12 автор yury88

Изменено 19.5.12 автор yury88

2012-05-2020/05/2012 01:44:52
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5545 411
Russian Federation Vladimir
2 года

Oh...может быть, я должен был размещен в секции фильтра?

Как статью - да, лучше в разделе "Фильтрация". Однако, тут содержится и коммерческое предложение, а это уже должно согласовываться с администрацией ресурса Смайлик :)

Лучше опередить и связаться с администратором самому, ато потом топик будет просто снесен (удален).
2012-05-2020/05/2012 10:24:08
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51 1
United States Los Angeles
7 года

уберите это!пожалуйста, с администрацией!

OK some growth pics...

Floyd R Turbo on the GIRS site:
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Rkyrickstr on the TF site:
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Картинка с форума

Ruddybop on the MFK site:
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Fishuntbike on the scrubber site:
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Картинка с форума

And mine...
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2012-05-2121/05/2012 20:10:43
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А можете вы пожалуйста выложить фото вашего аквариума? Вы используете в данном случае wet-dry? Какой свет у вас там?
2012-05-2121/05/2012 20:30:20
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Russian Federation
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Была уже подобная тема: Скраббер в пресноводном аквариуме . Вывод был таков, как я понял, что овчинка выделки не стоит.

2012-05-2121/05/2012 23:17:18
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United States Los Angeles
7 года

сообщение Nisa


А можете вы пожалуйста выложить фото вашего аквариума? Вы используете в данном случае wet-dry? Какой свет у вас там?

We don't use wet-dry.
Different people use different light. Some use LEDs, some use compact fluorescent(CFL).
2012-05-2222/05/2012 01:38:46
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51 1
United States Los Angeles
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Была уже подобная тема: Скраббер в пресноводном аквариуме . Вывод был таков, как я понял, что овчинка выделки не стоит.

Это больше выглядит как гидропоники, а не водоросли.
That more looks like a hydroponics, not algae.
2012-05-2222/05/2012 01:57:26
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2309 333
7 года


It's certainly an algae scrubber in the standard configuration. Don't pay attention to the filter at the top, it is a separate device.

Изменено 22.5.12 автор ooptimum
2012-05-2222/05/2012 06:33:52
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I guess it's almost equal to the scrubber from the link above someone has shared. By the way if it's easier for someone to keep a scrubber instead of the balance in aquarium sure that could be a solution.
2012-05-2222/05/2012 12:33:03
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The new Hang-On-Glass UAS with bubble remover:

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2012-06-0505/06/2012 01:25:59
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Water inlets and outlets seem way too small. They will be blocked with sludge very soon upon startup, I guess.

Изменено 5.6.12 автор ooptimum
2012-06-0505/06/2012 07:10:30
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United States Los Angeles
7 года

Как скруббера должна быть очищена каждые 7-14 дней. Это не будет проблемой.

2012-06-0506/06/2012 00:14:45
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Also, I think that air could be locked inside due to surface tension on the outlets of that shape and size. Did you test it?
2012-06-0606/06/2012 09:29:05
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United States Los Angeles
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yes, we are running it now, the air is not blocked.

Да, мы проводим сейчас, воздух не заблокирован.

2012-06-0606/06/2012 22:28:21
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Everybody loves growth pictures:

Day 1:
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Day 2:
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Day 3:
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Day 4:
Картинка с форума

Day 5:
Картинка с форума

Day 6:
Картинка с форума

Day 7:
Картинка с форума

Day 8:
Картинка с форума

Day 9:
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7 Days of growth after first cleaning:
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Video of first cleaning after 9 days of growth from a new screen:

Video of 7 days of growth after the first cleaning:

Time to eat more TV dinners and save those trays Смайлик :)

2012-06-1919/06/2012 23:57:21
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[en] Hello. Do you have a ready-made commercial samples, where can i(we) buy and what the price? What is included in the box?
[ru] Здравствуйте. Есть готовые коммерческие образцы, где можно купить и какая цена? Что входит в комплектацию?
2012-06-2020/06/2012 10:31:49
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2012-07-0909/07/2012 19:28:34
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16 час.

то, что биофильтр задерживает споры водорослей, это давно известно. На этом можно было бы и остановиться - этого вполне достаточно для борьбы с водорослями. Но автор решил подсветить биофильтр и вырастить из спор полноценные водоросли… видимо для доказательства, что споры задерживаются. Но вновь выращенные водоросли начинают продуцировать споры… Зачем это нужно? Сделай большой биофильтр в непрозрачном корпусе и в аквариуме не будет водорослей. Цель достигнута… А нитраты удалять регулярными подменами воды и аквариумными растениями…

Изменено 9.7.12 автор Батёк
2012-07-0909/07/2012 20:00:55
Нравится Tsiravka
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Угомонитесь вы: вы размеры представляете спор и ячеек биофильтра?
К тому же биофильтр не предполагает засерание гуано: бактерам для минерализации огрании нужен кислород ( только отдельная группа бактерий против кислорода, но она почти не процветает в аквариуме-им нужны безкислородные зоны, но они нитраты восстанавливают до молекулярного азота)
Мембрана обратного осмоса все задерживает, но извините в водопроводе несколько атмосфер давление. какой фильтр похвастает таким давлением и такой плотностью фильтрующего материала?
Может вернетесь к водному фильтру для воздуха и тотальной стерилизации?
2012-07-0909/07/2012 20:45:30
