Модератор , Советник
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Нерест САЕ (страница 2) |
Выполняю обещанное. Если уже начали о сексуальной жизни более трудно размножаемых рыб, то покажу еще одну изюминку - своих саечек. |
#2365260 |
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#2372810 |
На премодерации
Инедв магазинах не только мальки SAE-к продаются. Любого возраста бывают. Я имел ввиду всех "виденных" мною взрослых особей именно этого вида (не родственных). Как-то так сложилось, что все они выглядели (как и те, что у меня содержатся), как САМКИ на Ваших фотографиях. Толстые, с округлым вальковатым брюшком. Почему-то из взросляка плоскопузые не попадаются никак ( На этом, собсна, и построил предположение, что самок у них гораздо больше, чем самцов. Так бывает. |
#2372840 |
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#2373059 |
Модератор , Советник
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Кадира Красавицы! Мне по фотографиям кажется, что там даже могут быть две самочки и один больше как бы самец. Они еще выглядит совсем молодыми и стройными, там рано по полу что-то четко понять. И рыбки там мне кажется не одного, а двух видов. Более горбатая и с более тупим профилем головы и носом – самочка? - отличается от обеих остальных. Которые с черной полосой перед анальным плавником. Но, с икрой там пока у них нет никаких проблем. У моих черное пятно больше как бы овальное и не такое узкое, думаю у Вас живут еще другой вид или подвид, чем мои. И у моей сейчас уже 5-летней троици и у всех уже 2-летних их детей темные пятна одинаковые. С сайкам вообще большая путаница даже в систематике и по определению их видов. Строго научно даже и SAE их звать нельзя. Читала много о них, информация часто противоположная, в одной книге так, в другой совсем иначе. Есть и не определенные виды. А на продажу для аквариумов ловится коктейли мальков из разных видов и продаются под сиамскими, хотя, как раз настоящего кросохейлуса сиаменсис там и нет. В природе пойманные водорослееды часто смесь из лангей сенсу стрикто, лангеи сенсу ампло (как мои), еще там часто бывают атрилимес, облонгус и еще нескольких других видов. Чехи довольно много писали о них – как по систематике, так и по технологиям размножению, к сожалению ссылки, которые когда-то нашла, уже не активные. В архиве еще можно прочитать неполную копию от Джозефа Нидерле http://archive.li/1b... Simple key to species denoted as Crossocheilus siamensis, often called Red Algae Eater or Siamese Algae Eater И эта ссылка тоже больше не активная, но там тоже даны очень хорошие признаки по опознанию всей этой в зоомагазинах продаваемой путаницы водорослеедов, ложу как фрагмент от оригинального текста • Simple key to species denoted as Crossocheilus siamensis This species is among a handful of near-identical congeners that are traded as ‘Siamese algae-eater’ (often abbreviated to ‘SAE’), ‘Siamese flying fox’ and/or Crossocheilus siamensis. Recent work has shown that name to be a synonym of Epalzeorhynchos siamensis which was described from Tadi province, southern (peninsular) Thailand by Smith (1931) before being moved to Crossocheilus by Bănărescu (1986). Unfortunately the fish considered to represent C. siamensis in the latter study did not derive from southern Thailand, and was later described as C. atrilimes (Kottelat, 2000). E. siamensis has probably never been seen in aquaria (the holotype represents the only-known specimen), nor is it a synonym of Crossocheilus oblongus since that species was described from Java. Separating the species found on sale as ‘C. siamensis‘ is tricky but differences do exist if combinations of characters are considered. C. atrilimes is most-easily identified by observing the distance between the vent and anal fin which in this species is only 1.5-2 scale widths compared to 2-3.5 in other species. The black lateral stripe runs from the snout to the tip of the caudal fin; the eye is pale brown above the pupil and white below; maxillary barbels are not visible; the lateral line is curved; the fins are a pale dusky yellow colour. Depending on mood this species has the ability to change the appearance of the dark body stripe, most obviously during bouts of sparring when it becomes much broader and paler in colour. C. langei sensu amplo seems to be the other commonly-traded, laterally-striped Crossocheilus and can be told apart from C. atrilimes by the following characters: the eye is reddish-golden above the pupil and white below; it has two pairs of barbels; the lateral line is essentially straight and passes through the centre of the dark body stripe; the fins are brownish. Although the body stripe becomes paler when the fish are sparring it doesn’t change in width, and a further simple distinguishing trait is the presence of a dark blotch immediately in front of the anal fin on the underside of the fish. This fish is the one most often referred to as ‘Siamese algae eater’ in literature and online, but because it varies slightly with C. langei sensu stricto the possibility that it’s an undescribed species cannot be discounted. The third fish in the group is an undescribed species sometimes referred to as C. sp. ‘citripinnis’. It’s a larger fish growing to 150 mm SL and possessing a clearly visible pair of maxillary barbels. The fins are lemon yellow in colour, this becoming more intense as the fish mature; the dark body atripe doesn’t alter in width or colour when the fish are sparring; the lateral line is curved and the overall body shape is similar to C. atrilmes meaning they’re easily confused as juveniles. There may also be other, potentially undescribed, species from Thailand being traded as C. siamensis but as yet no detailed study has been conducted. In 2009 Tan and Kottelata described a new laterally-striped species, C. obscurus, from the Batang Hari river drainage in Sumatra. This species also grows relatively large (to “at least” 5.6″/14.2 cm) and is further distinguished as follows: “one pair of rostral barbels, no maxillary barbels; midlateral stripe with edges not sharply contrasted, slightly curved downward, obscured in largest individuals, continued on median caudal-fin rays, reaching posterior margin; no black mark between anus and anal fin; mouth wide (30-36% HL)”. It’s possible that this one has already appeared in the trade labelled with a different name. C. oblongus is another name widely misused in the trade but that species has seemingly never been exported and was described as a blueish fish with yellow fins. It’s native to streams of Gunung Salak mountain in Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia where collecting of ornamental fishes is almost non-existent. Other species of laterally-striped Crossocheilus also exist and may be available from time-to-time but are more easily told apart from the group described above. In C. nigriloba, for example, the dark body stripe uniquely breaks up into a series of blotches when the fish are sparring, stressed or sleeping and the lower caudal fin lobe contains dark pigmentation suffused with red, while C. burmicanus exhibits a patch of blue colouration at the base of the pectoral fins. To add further confusion the vaguely-similar Garra cambodgiensis (itself often referred to incorrectly as G. taeniata) is usually sold with the name ‘false SAE’ although this one is easily-identifiable as the dark lateral stripe ends at the caudal peduncle, all barbels are tiny and it has a disc-like lower jaw which sometimes develops bright red colouration on the outer lips. Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus is sometimes misidentified as a Crossocheilus sp. but exhibits several distinguishing traits, the most obvious of which are the characteristic white-edged, red and black coloured fins. Also comparable are the Paracrossochilus species from the island of Borneo but these are almost unheard of in aquaria. Crossocheilus officially contains 17 species at time of writing but at least one of these (C. multirastellus) is known to be a synonym and others such as C. latius may eventually be assigned to other genera. Members are characterised by possessing 8 branched dorsal fin rays, immobile rostral lobes, lacking a dorsal spine and by the fact that the upper and lower lips aren’t connected, the upper being attached to the lower jaw via a thin membrane (Rainboth, 1996). |
#2373181 Нравится konstantin1982, 0льчик
Модератор , Советник
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#2373182 Нравится Blok One
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Инедпохоже Вы правы. Теперь думаю что 2 вида. Заметила что у тех что с полоской и усики чуть длиннее. |
#2373713 |